Healing your relationship with money
You’re tired of feeling like you don’t have control of your money
You feel like there is never enough of it.
Very early on, money is one of those things that many of us are taught it is “rude” or “impolite” to talk about. No wonder many adults feel financially overwhelmed, especially if financial literacy is not part of their family. How are we supposed to learn financial skills and feel at peace with money if we are told we aren’t supposed to talk about it?
Whether you feel ashamed that you have debt, embarrassed by your spending habits, feel financially insecure, or have a hard time spending on yourself, I’m here to say it’s not your fault and you are not alone. To start taking control of your financial health, I encourage you to look at your relationship with money.
All too often we use money to make value judgments about ourselves. Sometimes these judgments come from messages that are passed down to us. Some messages include (sometimes conflicting): money is a marker of our “success”, debt is “bad”, people with too much money are “greedy” or “undeserving” etc. I’m here to tell you that there isn’t any amount of money that can represent your worth; how much or how little money you have has nothing to do with who you are as a person. What if we removed the power from money and it is just that?
I’m here to help you get clear on what your mental/emotional blocks might be to feeling empowered around money.
Sound like you?
Avoid checking your student loan balance
Hate having financial discussions with your partner
You worry about an emergency that you can’t pay for
You don’t like to dream big because you feel you don’t “deserve” it or it’s too far away.
Here’s what we’ll do together
Therapy can help you shift your mindset so you can stop planning on “failing” before you’ve even begun.
When we have a financial scarcity mindset, it bleeds into our behaviors and even what we think we deserve. When we live in scarcity we are preoccupied with only surviving. I’m going to ask what would it look like to thrive. What would feeling more empowered with money feel like in your life? We can’t have a secure relationship with money if we are not honest about our needs and desires.
Whether it is the anxiety you feel about confronting someone on a debt they owe you, asking your boss for a raise, or even discomfort talking to your partner about finances, I will sit with you and explore the inner chaos you may experience with money. Together we will unpack your money stories and limiting beliefs that may be getting in your way.
As we work together, you will gain an increased compassionate understanding of yourself and your learned money narratives. Together we will look at your defense mechanisms, money myths, and how we can gently soothe and challenge.
rather than avoid the things in life that feel overwhelming, I will sit beside you and encourage you to face them. With therapy, you will be able tolerate uncomfortable emotions while remaining curious and nonjudgmental towards yourself. If you made it this far, it’s clear that you want to your relationship with money to change. that’s the first step. how exciting!
At the end of the day, I want you to know:
You are worthy of financial abundance, achieving that abundance is not selfish
You no longer feel guilt or shame when you think about debt because you know you’re tackling it
You feel confident asking for more money at work because you know the value you provide
You are able to have financial conversations with your partner and not get overwhelmed by your emotions.
You consider the value of purchases- especially if they give back time and energy.
instead of thinking something is unattainable, your thinking has shifted to “What do I need to do to get there?”.
No longer feel apathetic about your financial future and feel excited about your own financial goals.
What we’ll work on
Imagine a life where…
Change is possible.
Change is possible.
click here to schedule your free consultation. This is so we can get to know each other , I can assess how I can best support you, and you can ask me questions.
If you would like to move forward, you will let me know your preferred day/time. I will then send you a link to the client portal that will have all the intake paperwork to be completed 24 hours before your appointment.
That’s it! your slot is yours. we will meet weekly. you will recieve an email invitation that will contain a link to your video session. Please ensure that you are in a private location and you a good internet connection.
At first, I will try to get to know you and get a sense of your goals for therapy. How do you think your emotions around money interfer with your life? After that, I leave it to you how you feel like you need the space. whether you would like to process the past, more recent events, or stick closer to your treatment goals is entirely up to you.
No. This would be more appropiate for a financial advisor. My role is to help you address your own limiting beliefs around money/ getting you and your partner on the same page. Meeting with a financial advisor may be the nexgt step.
Therapy can be as long or as short as you need. While I can’t assign a timeline for you, you should start to notice some changes. If you feel like you aren’t making the progress you would like please let me know so we can take a closer look and decide the best course of action.